Friday, December 4, 2015

Pedagogy VS Andragogy

In my previous class this week, I learned about 'PEDAGOGY' and 'ANDRAGOGY'.

Do you all know what is 'PEDAGOGY' means?

Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching. It is more to teacher centered where teachers will be giving all the information students need to know. Students are dependent in this approach.Students come to class with very little information and they need to be told what they have to learn in order to advance to the next level of mastery. In Pedagogy approach, learning is a process of acquiring prescribed subject matter and contents are sequenced according to the logic of the subject matter. Another factor in pedagogy approach is it is primarily motivated but students will only compete for grades and sometime ends at failure,

'ANDRAGOGY' approach is opposite to 'PEDAGOGY'.

Where is it more alike student centered more to like discovery learning, students are self-directed and they are responsible for their own learning. Students will come to class with greater information and their experience becomes the source of self-identify. It triggers a readiness to learn whenever there is a change. Learners want to perform a task, solve a problem and live in a more satisfying way. This approach allows them to stay motivated, have better quality of life, higher self-confidence and able to achieve self-actualization.

This is what I learned about 'PEDAGOGY' and 'ANDRAGOGY'. Please drop your comments below if you are unclear of something.

Thanks for reading my blog. :D

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